Summer Fun at Workbridge


Do you, or does someone you know, live with a learning need, ASD, a brain injury or a mental health need? If so, then Workbridge could be just the place to meet new friends and enjoy a relaxed and fun summer.

Contact us directly on or call 01604 872770 to speak to one of our friendly team members and come for a visit to see what we do!

You can book to come to Workbridge for one day or all five weeks! In fact, you might love it so much that you want to stay for good!

You may be able to use funding for our summer fun days but we are happy to talk about this when registering  and we’ll help you all we can.

Visit our website and complete the simple referral after you’ve spoken with a member of our team.

We look forward to welcoming new faces to Workbridge.

Jenny Lane

Education Manager

St Andrew’s Healthcare