Satarah Outplacement Service
Member Offers
Satarah Outplacement Service
These are unprecedented times for everyone, and businesses are having to make some very hard decisions regarding employees, Satarah Recruitment would like to offer our support by offering fellow Chamber Members
5% Discount per person on Satarah Outplacement Service for rest of 2020
We are best placed to support exiting employees with the latest recruitment strategies and thinking adopted by businesses in the area.
They will also be working with our recruitment team to signpost and support new career opportunities and strategies to find suitable rewarding alternatives.
We offer a sensitive, professional and pragmatic training for employees whose roles have been made redundant to transition with the support of our experienced team with confidence, positivity and the essential key skills to successfully secure a new role.
Satarah Outplacement Service provides the practical professional support to assist them into a new role as quickly as possible with practical strategies in their personal wellbeing, work life and career.
How could your organisation benefit from the provision of an outplacement service?
• Upholding your brand reputation as an employer
• Immediate support and pragmatic assistance at an uncertain and changeable time for the
employee affected.
• Giving direction regarding next steps for the exiting employee in their career
• Enhanced ability to perform positively at job interviews and gaining the right job offer
• Mental health pointers and positive strategies