6 months retained HR Support for the price of 4 | Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce

HR Software gives you 10% off ad hoc HR advice

Member Offers

HR Software gives you 10% off ad hoc HR advice

You want to have an HR System which removes the spreadsheets and paper you currently use, makes your people admin effortless and efficient.

From £13.00 per month 1-10 employees, £26.00 11-20 employees, £67 for 21-50 employees.
FREE – 14 day trial, demo’s available.

Software users save an average of 4 hours per week and 477 trees

We can set your system up in a couple of days – not weeks

You get a mobile app for holidays, sickness and more

Record notes, set objectives, suggestion & recognition schemes

ISO27001 accredited, cloud-based software

Additional modules for Learning, Expenses and Rota, Time & Attendance

Taking the HR System from us, gives you 10% discount off ad hoc advice and saves you time, as you don’t need to send over documents to us and removes risk of GDPR.

contact Nicky on 07973 353 498