25% off of SBA Approved Membership to all COC Members
Member Offers
25% off of SBA Approved Membership to all COC Members
Membership with SBA Project CIC is a vital support tool for your business.
Why become a member with us?
There are numerous benefits to becoming a member with us:
Gain direct communication with us regarding our fully funded courses
Access to a pool of newly trained and skilled potential employees
Advertise vacancies
Networking opportunities
Marketing and Advertising on our website
Awarded SBA Approved Member Badge
Access to the SBA Approved Fair Employment Charter
Tailored in house delivery to one cohort per year of the Unlimited Skills Programme
Discounted rates on further cohorts
Support with recruitment drives and campaigns
Involvement with Adult Education and Employment APPG
Tailored induction plan to support recruitment drives and new employees
Monthly Members Newsletter
Your membership will give you advertising privileges on our active social media platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter!
Grow the number of connections within your network. Share and download support documents, checklists and best practice guides. Advertise industry and organisational successes and challenges. Gain access to the SBA Approved Charter of Fair Employment.
For more information regarding the membership benefits or if you would like to register please contact:
Shona Lomas on 07399502612or email shona@sbaproject.org.uk