West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan: Spatial options consultation

Member News

West Northamptonshire Council is preparing a new strategic plan which will guide development for the area up to 2050.

The West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan (WNSP) sets out a vision for West Northamptonshire in 2050 and the objectives to realise the ambitions for our economy, our communities and our environment.

We want to hear from stakeholders and communities across the area and work together to ensure that we prepare the best plan possible for a sustainable future.

We are still at an early stage in plan preparation and the options being presented are potential rather than preferred, so this is a genuine opportunity to influence the outcome of the plan.

As part of this spatial options consultation, we want to hear your views on:

The spatial vision setting out the plan’s ambition for our economy, our communities and our environment

  • A set of spatial objectives to help achieve the vision
  • The housing and economic needs that we need to plan for
  • The potential spatial options that could be considered as part of the development strategy for the area

We are running a series of online and in-person events where you can learn more about the plan and ask questions.
Details of the events can be found on the West Northamptonshire Consultation Hub, using the link below.

This consultation closes at midnight on Monday 6 December 2021.

Have your say

Please visit the West Northamptonshire Consultation Hub for further information about the consultation and how to have your say.

If you have any questions or enquiries about the consultation, please contact the Strategic Plan Team at strategicplan@westnorthants.gov.uk.