West Northamptonshire Consultation Register: West Northamptonshire Council Constitution Review

Member News

How the Council exercises its powers and duties in accordance with the law is set out in its Constitution. The Constitution describes how the Council operates, how decisions are made, and the procedures that are followed to ensure that it is efficient, transparent and accountable to its local citizens.

The Democracy and Standards Committee, chaired by Councillor Suresh Patel, has established a Task and Finish Group, to carry out a review of the council’s Constitution to
ensure that it complies with legislative provisions and represents best practice. It wishes to develop a Constitution that reflects the values of the new council, is transparent, accountable, efficient, accessible, inclusive, concise and facilitates accountable decision-making.

During August 2021, the Task and Finish Group is seeking views from individuals and organisations within the communities of West Northamptonshire on how the
Constitution could be improved.

This consultation closes at midnight on Tuesday 31 August 2021.

Have your say

Please visit the West Northamptonshire Consultation Hub for further information about the consultation and how to have your say. If you have any questions or enquiries about the consultation, please contact Tracy Tiff, Deputy Democratic Services Manager, via email at tracy.tiff@westnorthants.gov.uk.