We are RECRUITING – Trustee Board Member

Member News

About Mediation MK

Milton Keynes Family Mediation Ltd (Mediation MK) was found in 1989 and is based in Central Milton Keynes. Our primary function is to provide Family Mediation. When a couple’s relationship breaks down then we aim to provide conflict resolution beneficial to both parties this could include child access, child payments, finances and debts which are shared and property. We provide legal aid for those who are on benefits or on low income.

Coupled with Mediation we provide Separated Parent Information Programme (SPIP) Courses.

Mediation MK also provide Commercial, Civil, Community and Work Place Mediation.

In 2022 we have broadened our horizons to include Therapy and Training. With regards to therapy we are partnered with Regents University, London; where the training Psychotherapists will offer their therapeutic services for free. We do also offer private therapy.

We offer 29 courses. this element of our business is in its infancy and we are looking to build this area up.

What does our organisation look like?

Currently we have two employed staff, 6 mediators including Louise Carrington-Dye who is the Professional Practice Consultant (PPC), 4 Separated Parent Information Programme (SPIP) facilitators and 1 contractor.

We are looking for a person with a passion for mediation and a commitment to developing the services we provide.

Key Responsibilities

  • To play an active part in the Board of Trustees’ work in giving firm strategic direction to Mediation MK’s by setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and monitoring progress against them.
  • To appoint the Chair of the charity and monitor and support them in ensuring it is run efficiently and effectively.
  • To ensure that finances are managed properly, and that the charity is financially stable.
  • To ensure Mediation MK’s complies with its own memorandum and articles of association, and that its resources are directed towards the aims and objectives set out there.
  • To ensure the charity also complies with charity and company law and any other relevant legislation, including employment law.
  • To protect and manage the charity’s property and ensure its funds are properly invested.
  • To safeguard Mediation MK’s good name and its values.

What this means in practice:

  • Attending regular Board of Trustee meetings (TBC usually once per month via electronic platform), scrutinising board papers and contributing actively to discussions on the agenda. These will include matters of policy and strategy as well as personnel and practice.
  • Supporting Mediation MK’s paid and voluntary staff in matters where the trustee has particular expertise, for instance, finance, recruitment, business, or HR.
  • Representing Mediation MK to all its clients, funders, and the Milton Keynes and Bedford communities.

Person specification – skills and experience

  • Commitment to Mediation MK for the period of election, and willingness to devote the time and effort required.
  • Ability to work as part of a team, and at the same time, to be confident about expressing good, independent judgment.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Ability to make sense of paperwork and focus clearly on relevant issues.
  • Awareness of LGBTQ+ issues and appreciation of the role of the voluntary sector.
  • An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties and responsibilities of trusteeship.
  • We are particularly keen for people with skills in HR, Finance, Communications or Change Management Time commitment. We are open to candidates who have experience or perhaps looking for an opportunity as a way of development.

We estimate that attending Trustee meetings (usually one hour duration), supporting the team and reading board papers etc. will add up to approximately 4 hours a month. Trustees are re-elected annually with usual terms being circa 3 years. This is a hands-on role and trustees are requested to contribute to the operational running of the organisation. The Acting Service Director facilitates day to day running but input/discussion may be required on an ad hoc basis.

Benefits you will get from the role

  • significant opportunity to affect real change in the development of services, which will have real impact on families / couples accessing support
  • You’ll also have the opportunity to meet people and build relationships with trustees, staff and other volunteers
  • Opportunity to develop your leadership, governance and strategic skills which could be utilised for further career development

NB: As of 2020 Trustees are currently meeting and collaborating online via the Microsoft Teams or Zoom, therefore a Trustee would need to be able to install and use these on their device. We have found this method to be extremely useful and plan to continue to remain remote, with potentially a face-to-face session once per quarter, for the time being