Unity Leisure (Northampton Leisure Trust) Trustee Recruitment
Member News
Unity Leisure, trading as Northampton Leisure Trust is more widely known under its brand of Trilogy. Established in 2011, we are a not for profit, limited by guarantee Charitable Trust (Registered Charity Number 1145613) and Social Enterprise.
We Inspire Active Lifestyles and are recruiting to expand our Board of Trustees to oversee the next phase of the Trust in line with the implementation of our new Strategy and Business Plan.
We are looking for committed individuals who have the time to add value to the Board and make a significant difference to the organisation.
Our Mission is to ‘Inspire Active Lifestyles’
Our aim is to ‘foster working partnerships that support and develop a holistic Wellbeing Service, that encourages Social Change, improves Social Value and increases participation whilst positively encouraging Equality, Diversity & Inclusion’
Our commitment is to ‘maximise service and commercial activity to improve Social Value and Community Wellbeing’
Our vision is to ‘be an innovative Wellbeing Organisation, developing commercial activity to maximize the social impact and social value of the organisation to provide a holistic approach to Wellbeing. A financially stable organisation, with the ability to self-fund its charitable objectives, re-invest in its strategy and leverage opportunities to enhance Wellbeing and Social Value. An organisation that celebrates and promotes diversity’
About the Role
Board Members will have the experience and capabilities to guide the strategic direction of the Trust, with connections within the commercial and voluntary sectors.
Board Members will attend approximately six meetings per year, and the Annual General Meeting. Meetings are held every other month, with each meeting typically running to about 1.50 hours.
Board Members are appointed for a period of up to three years. Appointments are renewable for further fixed terms of up to three years.
The roles are on a voluntary basis and are therefore not accompanied by any financial remuneration.
Diversity drives innovation and we are committed to promoting equality, embracing diversity, and enabling inclusion through positive Wellbeing experiences. Trilogy is committed to educating itself, its customers, and its workforce to celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion.
Trilogy is actively seeking interest from individuals of all backgrounds and we encourage and welcome applications from under-represented groups and people from ethnically diverse backgrounds.
If you are keen to make a difference as a Trustee within an organisation that cares about the positive impact of Wellbeing, this opportunity is an excellent one to consider.
An information pack with further information on the role and details of how to apply can be downloaded from our website – https://www.trilogyleisure.co.uk/job-vacancies/
First round of applications close – 15th December 2021
To Apply: Email your Biography with a supporting statement outlining your suitability for the role to Kerry.Murphy@nltrust.org.uk
For an informal discussion on the role contact John Fletcher, Managing Director on 07766 725823 or email John.Fletcher@nltrust.org.uk
More information about the Trust, who we are and what we do, can be found on our website https://www.trilogyleisure.co.uk/