They stole everything
Member News
I have some sad news to share. On Christmas day our centre was broken into and all of our equipment was stolen. Without this equipment, we are unable to provide community and outreach support, which impacts our local communities and families.
I am heartbroken that this has happened.
A very kind friend, Nick from Talk Mental Health charity, has set up a fundraiser to help us. It also explains a little more about the current situation:
Although the thief has been arrested, none of our equipment has been recovered and it is very unlikely to be at this point.
So here we are, still unable to provide sessions or VR therapies. Our insurance will only cover a small amount of VR headsets, but it does not cover:
Accessibility aidsSpecialist equipmentDamage to the buildingBroken doors, cabinets, locksAny headsets brought in the last yearPlus all the other smaller items stolen (tablets, phones, even the cases and bags we use to bring the kit to the community)Or running costs, utilities, rent etc to keep the centre open Everything is adding up very quickly. Meanwhile, our community suffers, local families are struggling and those most in need are being punished by this horrible act.
Just this week I have had to turn down:
- A group session for deaf children
- A day centre for people with learning disabilities
- A special school specifically seeking support for SEND students who are experiencing trauma and grief
- An organisation supporting struggling families in poverty
- Stroke patients from Northampton Hospital
- And many families with children with special needs
Please, please donate if you can. Every penny will make a difference. I know times are hard for many so if this isn’t an option for you, please help by sharing this fundraiser, or maybe you know a person or company who could help? You never know who has a sister with special needs, a son with autism, a grandmother with dementia or just feels connected to our story and who we help. So let’s spread this far and wide and hopefully we will get our centre back open soon and supporting our community once again.
Thank you.
Rebecca Gill
Nurse & Founder of VR Therapies
VR Therapies is a social enterprise dedicated to supporting wellbeing through fun and immersive technology, with a focus on children with special needs, the elderly and people with disabilities or mental health issues. We take children undergoing chemotherapy flying through space, those who can’t walk swimming with dolphins, take people with dementia down memory lane and help tick off bucket lists for those running out of time. For more information 622402 – 077728555661 Spencer Parade, Northampton. NN1 5AA.