The Lewis Foundation new home thanks to My 1st Years

Member News

Over the last week we have been moving into our new home – a place where we can store all our charity item, work from and package our gift packs for the hospital which make their way to the cancer patients.

This is a big deal for us because for the first time ever in 7 years everything will be in one place to run our charity from instead of running from multiple locations, something we have been wanting to happen a long time.

A massive shout out to company Enterprise Rentals and the following fantastic people from the organisation Ben, Jamie, Maja and Callum who gave their time to not only providing Enterprise Vehicles to help us move but also assist with moving between locations. Not only did you save us money but also time, which we are so grateful for.

Also, thanks to our team Lynette, Vince, Pam & Curtis for helping to get everything sorted, up and running!Thank you to My 1st Years for creating a space within their premises for our charity to operate from. Your support with this process has been incredible!

We are so proud of our journey, from that idea back in 2016 wanting to help others going through cancer treatment- operating the charity initially from the founders Lee and Lorraine Lewis home to where we are today.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us along our journey to get us to the position where we support 17 hospitals across the Midlands, providing packages to thousands of cancer patients in hospital every year.