Many welcomed at the FREEDOM Workshop

There was great interaction between business owners who attended The FREEDOM workshop on July 15th, run jointly by Business Doctors, Wilson Browne Solicitors and Kilby Fox Chartered Accountants.

Many SME owners view their business as a pension pot, but few run it so that it could be ‘cashed’ in at short notice for the ‘right’ amount when needed. This is why most SMEs fail to sell, and for those who do, the process (including due diligence and valuation) usually takes much longer than expected and owners can be dissatisfied with proceeds.

The workshop explored:

  • 8 key factors driving business value
  • 8 critical steps to prepare for legal review
  • How valuation models work

Attendees took away many insights into how they can improve future valuations and avoid problems with obligations, guarantees, documentation and regulations.

This event will run again later this year – contact to register for future workshops.