Take on a challenge in 2022… or head to the moon (and back!)
Member News
Whatever your motivations for taking on a personal or team challenge in 2022, if you’re looking for something extraordinary, an amazing adventure, a once in lifetime, bucket list dream – Cransley Hospice Trust have got it!
There’s something for everyone and anyone!
Take to the skies and jump from 13,000 feet for the thrill of a lifetime in a tandem Skydive, 23rd April or 10th September 2022
Or get the ultimate adrenalin rush and fly like a bird at 120mph in a Wing Walk,
3rd June 2022
Run through the rolling countryside of Northamptonshire in the Shires and Spires,
15th May 2022
Join one of our amazing ONE day Challenge Treks Yorkshire Three Peaks,
11th June 2022.
25km or 50km Peak District Challenge Trek,
9th July or 1st October 2022
The cyclist’s dream! Ride from LONDON to PARIS, and witness the finish of the Tour de France on day 5!
20th – 24th July 2022
Not for you? Try a challenge a little closer to home…
We’re inviting you, your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues to walk with us, covering the distance to the moon and back in steps instead of miles. That’s 238855 steps to the Moon in April and 238855 steps back in May. That’s almost 8000 steps a day, which is roughly the distance a Cransley Hospice nurse walks during a day shift.
Walk with us “to the Moon and Back” – visit www.cransleyhospice.org.uk to sign up for this incredible virtual challenge.