Successful convoy delivers ambulances and supplies to children and families impacted by Ukrainian war
Member News
Two ambulances packed with supplies have been successfully driven and delivered to Poland and Ukraine – thanks to a convoy organised by Northamptonshire communities and businesses.
The convoy, co-ordinated by Goodwill Solutions, Brackmills Industrial Estate Business Improvement District (BID), Northampton Supports Ukraine, Slavic Talalayenko, and Northampton Town Council, set off earlier this month, delivering school items for Ukrainian refugee children studying in Polish schools and orphanages, along with food, clothing and first aid equipment, which will go directly to Ukraine.
John Sheriff, MD of Goodwill Solutions, said: “The trip was a great success and very humbling to see what is still happening in Ukraine. The people we have worked with and have helped us with this humanitarian trip, along with the Ukrainians we have met, will be friends forever.”
Councillor Jane Birch, Chair of the Northampton Town Council’s Community Services Committee, said: “We wanted to do something to support these children and young people whose lives have been turned upside down by the ongoing war in Ukraine. It is heart-warming to know that the school items have now reached them, and we are very grateful to everyone who has donated to this appeal.”
Sara Homer, CEO of the Brackmills BID added: “It was an incredible trip – tough at times, but successful, uplifting and incredibly rewarding. Thank you to everyone for their generosity and support.”
John, Slav and Sara would like to thank everyone who helped make this convoy possible. The ambulances were purchased by our local Ukrainian community, whilst the Brackmills BID and Goodwill Solutions led on the fundraising drive with local businesses which resulted in significant donations.
A special thanks to IN’n’OUT Autocentres , Goodwill Solutions, the Brackmills BID, Work Wear Northampton, Signs Express, Northampton Labour Party, Segro, BBC Radio Northampton and many others, including Stratford upon Avon Town Council who donated school supplies.
This convoy is part of the ‘Northampton Supports Ukraine’ appeal, first launched in March 2022 assisted by Goodwill Solutions, Northampton Town Council, The Brackmills BID, the Northampton West Rotary Club, and a host of committed Ukrainian and Latvian volunteers. The team are now looking at how they can help in the future.