Simple, Cyber Security for Charities

Member News

In light of cyber security awareness month, it is important to share information as much as we can, particularly to the ones who may need it most.

Charities are a crucial element of our society, ones we need to keep safe from harm particularly when they do everything they can to protect and support the vulnerable.

It seems strange to think that anyone would want to harm a charity, but, the simple fact is that cyber criminals don’t discriminate against anyone when there’s money involved.

The National Cyber Security Centre launched the Cyber Security: Small Charity Guide. This offered charities a series of quick, simple and free or low-cost steps they could take to protect their organisation from cyber attacks, thereby saving reputation, funds and data from falling into the hands of criminals.

Following the advice from the guide will significantly increase your protection from the most common types of cyber crime, so go on have a read and share with your peers 😊

In support of this, 4Secure Ltd will also be working with The IASME Consortium next month with the Cyber Essentials for Charities Campaign – keep your eyes peeled for some discounts coming up!

#cybersecurity #cybersecurityawareness #helpingeachother #charitysupport