Publishers put on a show after sealing partnership with exhibition organiser
Member News
THE PUBLISHERS of leading business newspapers Business Times and Business MK have added a new string to the company’s bow after agreeing a partnership with the organiser of two major annual business exhibitions.
Pulse Group Media, which also publishes the lifestyle magazines MK Pulse and NN Pulse, has joined forces with Your Business Expo and will co-host exhibitions in Northamptonshire.
“Joining forces to organise these exhibitions is a logical bolt-on to our current publishing business in print and online,” says Pulse Goup Media director Kerry Lewis-Stevenson. “There is so much synergy with what we are already expert in and, in the current climate, diversification into a complementary sector makes an awful lot of sense.”
Pictured top: Kerry Lewis-Stevenson (left) and Sheila Smith, organiser of Northamptonshire Business Expo.
Your Business Expo is run by Sheila Smith. She launched a networking group back in 2010, from which evolved the Northamptonshire Business Expo. It continues to attract dozens of exhibitors from all over Northamptonshire and beyond and has enabled Sheila to launch Business Expos elsewhere in the UK, including in Leicester.
“We have known Sheila Smith for some time and know that she is hugely respected in the exhibition sphere,” says Kerry. “When the opportunity came up to team up with her on the exhibitions, we felt it was a chance not to pass up.”
Sheila will continue to contribute to the expos as a consultant. “I have been running the expos for some 12 years now and feel that it is time for them to benefit from a fresh set of eyes and ideas,” she says.
“I am delighted that Pulse Group Media have come on board. They are hugely respected regionally for the quality of their publications and online offer and I have no doubt they will bring the same level of quality, positivity and innovation to the expos. We cannot wait to get started.”