Proud to help patients in hospital celebrate the King’s Coronation
Member News
On Saturday 6 May, the nation celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III. In response to a request from the team at Kettering General Hospital (KGH), Northamptonshire Health Charity was delighted to be able to fund a few Coronation-inspired initiatives to benefit patients and staff in the hospital on the day, including more than 100 DAB radios.
There has been a tremendous amount of positive feedback from patients and staff following the charity-funded project, about the big difference being able to celebrate and enjoy this momentous and special occasion has made.
The charity, which supports local NHS hospitals and community services at Northampton General Hospital (NGH) and for Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) as well as KGH wishes to thank Debbie Spowart for donating an amazing and very royal cake for the event at KGH. The team extends their thanks to everyone involved in making these celebrations such a huge success to enhance the experience of patients and support staff wellbeing.
Lead Nurse Pathway to Excellence, Tanya Birke, who helped coordinate the project at KGH said: “Special thanks go to the Northamptonshire Health Charity for funding this project and supporting us along the way and to Debbie Spowart for gifting us that amazing cake! Some staff went above and beyond for this project making special journeys to supermarkets in their own time and making up 500 activity packs for patients! We are so grateful.”
Find out more about the work of Northamptonshire Health Charity at https://northamptonshirehealth…