Our Blog posts are now available weekly to 80 Million America homes
Member News
Andrew Thomas, announced today:
“We are excited to announce that we have extended our current Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing Skill (Voice App) to now cover the whole of the USA.
Our current Flash Briefing only allowed 55 million adults in the UK to activate and then ask “Alexa, What’s my flash briefing?” and receive information from our weekly Blog posts, along with their news, weather, sport and motivational quotes.
As we want global reach for our company and are seeing a lot of traffic from the US hitting our website, we decided to launched the US version which can be activated from the US Amazon Skills Store and gives us access to 80 Million America Homes!
The activation and listening stats are already looking interesting and we are now testing four new flash briefing skills for local businesses and venues wanting to tap into this new channel for marketing their business and increasing event publicity. (to be announced very soon)”
You can active the UK version here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Smart…
Businesses that to take advantage of this new channel can learn more information about our Alexa Voice Skills Development Services at https://www.smartoctopusvoicea…