Northamptonshire Health Charity launches its next Curry and Quiz Night fundraiser
Member News
Calling all quizzers and curry lovers! Northamptonshire Health Charity is excited to launch its next Curry & Quiz Night at The Raj in Kettering on Monday 10 October 2022.
This will be their third such event at The Raj and this time the fundraiser is being sponsored by Wilson Browne Solicitors. The event, which coincides with Baby Loss Awareness Week, is once again raising funds for the Twinkling Stars Appeal for the new maternity bereavement suite at Kettering General Hospital.
Community Fundraiser, Lorraine Devereux said, “We would like to send a very special thank you to Wilson Browne Solicitors who have kicked off our fundraising by generously sponsoring our Curry Night. We really cannot wait to get back to The Raj for what is always an evening full of great food and entertainment.”
Meals are all freshly prepared by the lovely team at The Raj, which includes starters, choice of mains, sides, rice, and coffee to finish. Get sharpening those grey cells and your team could well be crowned winners on the night.
The last two events have sold out in record time so get your teams together and buy your tickets NOW! They cost £25 per person with £15 from every ticket going to the Twinkling Stars Appeal. There will also be a raffle, news on this to follow soon. To book your team visit https://northamptonshirehealthcharity.co.uk/events/curry-quiz-night/
The Twinkling Stars appeal has been set up to raise money to help support and supply a better, more suited area for bereaved parents and the maternity bereavement team at Kettering General Hospital. The money raised from this appeal will create new facilities, designed to help make an incredibly tough time that little bit easier for parents. It will allow them to get the support and help they need at such a difficult time. Find out more about this fundraising appeal at https://northamptonshirehealthcharity.co.uk/appeals/twinkling-stars-appeal
Northamptonshire Health Charity held its first Curry & Quiz Night at The Raj last October as part of Baby Loss Awareness Week 2021 and with thanks to everyone who attended £1,158 was raised. Lorraine said, “We are so grateful to everyone who got involved with both our previous Curry & Quiz Nights and how fantastic that £1,906 was raised from the second event back in March this year. We would really love to beat this and go over the £2,000 mark with this third night.”