Member News
NNBN Director Simon Cox is one of 13 members of a national organisation who have come together to form a new Member Council focussing on the future.
The Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB) is a national membership organisation with a vision of a better way of doing business: a way that is good for business and a better world and will work alongside the newly formed council to focus on a series of specific initiatives.
ORB believes that micro and small businesses are not only the powerhouse of the British economy but they also, collectively, have the power to make a real difference to our societies at local, national, and even international levels.
Simon said, “I’m looking forward to working with a group of passionate business owners from across the UK within this national council and with like-minded people who believe in an ethical way of doing business.”
“It’s key that there is a strong focus on local communities, sustainable future and looking at economical and environment changes. We live in challenging times but by working together, we can explore opportunities for the businesses and organisations and work together for a brighter future.”
Founder and CEO of ORB Jill Poet said “ORB is owned by its members and the new Member Council is the representative body that ensures a flow of information between members and the Board of Directors and vice versa. We welcome the formation of the Member Council and look forward to working closely with its representatives. We are also excited by the increased potential to drive forward changes that will not only benefit our members, but also the whole of society.”
If you would like to learn more about the Organisation for Responsible Businesses, then visit https://www.orbuk.org.uk/