NLive Radio helps deliver over 1100 presents to families and those in need

Just over 1100 presents are on their way to families and individuals in need this Christmas thanks to the generosity and support of the Northampton public, and listeners of NLive Radio.

The local radio station for Northampton has been running it’s Christmas present appeal for the second year and has nearly doubled last years total which was 600 presents donated.

The appeal is to make sure that those in need do not go without on Christmas day and thanks to Commsave support, the station were able to get 30 donations bins across Northampton.

The presents are being disrupted in partnership with community partners, which includes Northamptonshire Health Charity, Doddridge Centre, Family Support Link, The Spring Charity and Baby Basics Northampton. This means presents will be making their way to local families, new babies and mums, individuals in need across our community, and adults and the elderly in hospital.

Martin Steers, NLive Radio Station Manager Said; “I’m absolutely blown away by the generosity of our listeners and the people of Northampton. Despite the cost of living crisis which is impacting our community, people have dug deep and have donated more than we were expecting.

“I do want to thank my assistant Will Oelrich for project managing this appeal and I really want to thank everyone who has given this year, our location drop off points, and the team at Commsave for supporting this years present appeal.”

Around 30 locations across the town hosted a donation bin, including Sainsburys at Sixfields, Commsave, several schools in Northampton including the Good Shepherd Catholic Primary. Also thanks to the help of the Northampton Town centre BID who helped organize locations across the town centre including Finn & Co, Vulcan Works and Butterwick.

The students at the University of Northampton also got involved particularly with a community engagement and volunteering project organized by the Changemaker Hub as part of their Student Futures.