New Year! New You! Step Into January and support your local NHS hospitals.
Member News
As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, lots of us think about making resolutions with a common theme around personal well-being. Whether you want to get fitter, lose weight, stop drinking or even stop smoking – people make pledges that they don’t necessarily keep for too long.
If you are looking to make a change this January and would like some extra motivation to keep focussed, why not take on the Northamptonshire Health Charity Step into January challenge and raise funds for your local NHS hospitals and community services at the same time? Choose your favourite ward, department, or hospital to raise money for. If you raise over £75 you will receive a fun charity technical t-shirt.
Commit to walking/jogging/skipping/wheeling 10,000 steps a day in January and start to reap the health benefits of being more active. Your step challenge is personal to you and you can do this alone, with friends or family, and even include your four-legged friend! Why not challenge your work colleagues to do this with you and see how far you can travel throughout the month as a group?
Walking Improves Fitness – Regular walking can help maintain a healthy weight, burn calories and help tone muscles.
Walking Can Help Lower Blood Pressure – Walking briskly gets your heart working harder which gradually makes it stronger and more efficient at pumping blood through your body.
Walking is Good for Our Mental Health – Exercise-induced endorphins can help reduce anxiety, depression, and a negative mood.
10,000 steps a day approximately equates to 5 miles depending on your stride length, so after 31 days you will have covered around 155 miles!
Your fundraising page will automatically set up on entry. Please remember to upload information about your step challenge, the ward, department, appeal, or hospital you are fundraising for in your fundraising story, and also include your picture. If you are on Strava, you can also sync this with your fundraising page. Don’t forget to include updates throughout the month to all of your supporters.
It is not a requirement of the challenge to fundraise, but you are welcome to make a donation at checkout to support the work of the charity. Sign up now at the charity’s website https://northamptonshirehealthcharity.co.uk/events/step-into-january/
or contact the charity team by phone: 01604 626927 or by email: greenheart@nhcf.co.uk