New-look family room unveiled after donations to Northamptonshire Health Charity
Member News
Thanks to kind donations to Northamptonshire Health Charity a new-look family room has been unveiled at a service that helps children and adults who have experienced serious trauma.
Serenity Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), run by Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, provides emotional support, and acute and historic examinations to adults and children in Northamptonshire and Leicestershire who have experienced sexual assault.
To help families feel comfortable, the centre’s family room provides a safe and comfortable environment, for children and their support network, to make their stay there as positive and calming as possible, with activities to keep them occupied whilst waiting.
In recent years, however, the room at the centre has become tired and in need of redecoration. Now, thanks to generous support from the Northamptonshire Health Charity, which funded the makeover, a revitalised family room has been unveiled. Further toys and accessories were also bought from a charity fundraiser for Serenity organised by Starbucks on Kettering Road in April 2022 with the support of Northamptonshire Health Charity.
Fay Wickett, Serenity manager, said: “This room is now bright, colourful and calming with lots for children to do which is crucial when they, or a family member, is being supported by Serenity. We would like to thank Northamptonshire Health Charity and Starbucks, and others, who have helped us create this lovely space.”
Fay said that Serenity would also like to replace worn-out furniture in other areas of the centre. They are particularly in need of brand-new sofas, side tables, chairs (including children’s furniture), coffee tables, and wall art / paintings, to create a calm and serene environment.
Kayleigh Cooper, crisis worker at Serenity said: “To continue delivering the best care possible, we would really like to replace our worn-out furniture in other client areas. Unfortunately, financial constraints prevent us from allocating funds for this essential need. Our current furniture doesn’t create a comforting and healing environment necessary for our clients’ emotional and physical recovery. We aim to establish a space that promotes healing, safety, and comfort for survivors of traumatic events. Any support we can get in providing furniture designed for this purpose would be greatly appreciated.”
Alison McCulloch, Head of Fundraising at Northamptonshire Health Charity said: “It’s wonderful to see how donations can make a difference to patient care. It’s these small changes to the environment in which care is received that can often make a really big difference.”
Serenity offers practical help and emotional support, to victims of rape or sexual assault, and their families. In 2022, nearly half of people who accessed the service were under 18 years of age.
Kayleigh added: “The journey towards healing and recovery from sexual violence is challenging. By contributing to our cause, you would make an immeasurable difference in the lives of survivors, enabling them to feel safe, supported, and empowered on their path to healing.”
As well as furniture, Serenity would also benefit from donations of toiletries such as shampoo, shower, deodorant, etc, which can be provided to service users who often arrive with nothing, to help give them some control back. To make a donation of these items contact Serenity by emailing serenity@nhft.nhs.uk or by calling 0300 027 0040 (8am-6pm).
Find out more about Serenity at www.nhft.nhs.uk/serenity
To make a donation to Northamptonshire Health Charity to help them fund additional new furniture for other rooms throughout the centre, visit https://northamptonshirehealthcharity.co.uk/