Neonatal care and leave – New laws to support new parents

Neonatal care and leave - New laws to support new parents

Neonatal care and leave - New laws to support new parents

From the 6 April 2025, the Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023 will be introduced to provide working parents with more protection where their babies  require specialist neonatal care after birth. The government anticipates that the new law will benefit around 60,000 new parents.

What does this Act do?

Until now there has been no specific statutory right to leave or pay for employees if their babies requires specialist neonatal care after birth. Instead, parents have relied on existing statutory leave entitlements or their employers’ discretion to take additional leave and in some cases, they have returned to work while their babies remain in hospital. It was recognised that the current position was unsatisfactory; families in this situation need more support and certainty so that they can focus on the needs and wellbeing of their babies.

Visit our website to find out what this means for Employers:

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This update is for general guidance only and advice should be taken in relation to a particular set of circumstances.