Needing Benefit or Debt Advice – new opening hours
Member News
New opening hours
In response to requests from people who are unable to access our 9-5 service we are now opening on a Wednesday evening until 8pm and on a Saturday morning from 9am to 12.
Wednesday evenings will be at the office in Meadow Road, whilst Saturdays will alternate between the office and the Highfield Community Centre 1&2 Barnes Close, Kettering NN15 6JB.
Grange Resource Centre, 9 Grange Place, NN16 0NT
Thursday mornings from 9:30-12
New Partnership with Mind: You can now find us at Crisis Cafe’s
Crisis Cafes are a community support to reduce any immediate crisis but are also a good place to get practical help with housing, debt or benefit issues that may be worrying you and affecting your mental health.
Phone ahead for an appointment or simply drop in to get housing, debt or benefit advice from one of our advisors