National Apprenticeship Week – insight for parents

Member News

Parents who are anxious about the future employment prospects of their teenager and

twenty-something children can join two special events at The Bedford College Group.

During National Apprenticeship Week 2023 events will be staged from 5 – 8 pm at Tresham College, Kettering on Tuesday 7th February and again on Thursday 9th February at Bedford College, specially aimed at parents.

Local and national employers and agencies involved in apprenticeships will be there to showcase the many opportunities, and there will advice and guidance on how exactly today’s apprenticeship schemes work. These can range from 16 -year-olds going straight from school into work, or Advanced Apprenticeships for those who who are older and may have completed further or higher education.

Vacancies advertised recently by The Bedford College Group include jobs in technology, engineering, vision and robots, landscaping, customer service, payroll and compliance.

Gina Bubbins, Director of Business Development says: “We know what employers are looking for and the best way to find a good fit for young people offering access to some great companies and career opportunities. Come along and find out what the options are instead of just opting for university without hearing about ‘earn while you learn’ options.”

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