Mike Berners-Lee Calls on Businesses to Drive Urgent Systemic Change for a Sustainable Future at SBA Launch
“The planet that we are on is falling apart at high speed,” warned acclaimed author and academic Mike Berners-Lee, highlighting the urgency for businesses to “create the conditions under which humanity can undergo the systemic change it so urgently needs.” Speaking at the launch of the Sustainable Business Alliance (SBA) earlier this month, Berners-Lee emphasized the critical role of businesses in addressing the interconnected crises we face, urging leaders to take transformative action towards sustainability and resilience.
Also speaking at the event was Adrian Pryce DL, Associate Professor at the University of Northampton and founder of a new sustainability consultancy called ‘Be. Partners’. Adrian highlighted how businesses are increasingly conscious of their responsibility to address environmental, social and governance issues (ESG), but with a rapidly evolving policy and legal landscape there are also more and more financial incentives to do so. Adrian spoke about some of the risks for businesses of not acting, including fines and legal action from non-compliance and reputational damage from negative impacts. However, he also talked about the benefits such as reduced costs from more efficient use of materials and resources and more attractive sales, investment and financing opportunities from demonstrating strong ESG credentials.
With this growing pressure on firms to take responsibility, the Sustainable Business Alliance has been launched to help businesses navigate what can often seem a challenging and complex arena. Working with Chambers member organisations Be Partners, ActNow Consulting and the University of Northampton, SBA offers structured tools, training and support to help organisations build and implement simple strategies and action plans so that they can take action where it is needed most.
One business that has been working with SBA is Medigold Health. Medigold Health is a leading occupational health provider which supports businesses across the UK with employee screening and wellbeing services. Jane Winter is the Head of ESG at Medigold and also spoke at the launch event. Jane said “We need, as Mike said, to raise our game. We need to make sure that we are learning constantly and we need to make sure that we’re demonstrating that we’re putting those thoughts and those plans into actual action.”
Simon Derrick, Founder of the Sustainable Business Alliance said “We look forward to working with businesses like Medigold Health to help them navigate their journey towards sustainability. We want to help businesses to clearly see the way ahead to cut through all the noise and follow a plan that not only makes sense, but can ultimately benefit the bottom line.”
Take the free ESG assessment and join the Sustainable Business Alliance for free at www.sustainablebusinessalliance.org.uk