Looked after children in Northamptonshire are thanked and rewarded by credit union Commsave
Member News
A Community Fund set up by a Northamptonshire based credit union has made its latest donation – supporting looked after children across Northamptonshire.
Commsave, one of the largest and most successful credit unions in the UK, set up its Community Fund last year, and has since awarded nearly £30,000 to both local and UK-wide charities and causes.
This month the credit union awarded £2,000 to Northamptonshire Children’s Trust, a not-for-profit organisation which delivers children’s social care and targeted early help services on behalf of both North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council. The donation was used to recognise and reward children at the recent Children in Care Awards. Categories included Aspirational Star, Determined to Learn, Super Skills and Making a Difference.
Colin Foster, Chief Executive of Northamptonshire Children’s Trust, said: “Commsave’s generosity helped make our Children in Care Awards extra special. These awards are all about celebrating children and young people’s achievements, and thanks to the donation we were able to give all our award winners a gift voucher and certificate, something which will have made their day particularly memorable.”
James Richards, Commsave Business Development Manager, added: “This organisation does brilliant work supporting local children and it is incredibly rewarding to have been able to make a contribution to this celebration of children’s achievements.”
If you are a member of the Commsave Credit Union you can apply for a Community Fund grant for the charity or cause you most care about. You can do this here: https://www.commsave.co.uk/com….
If you are not yet a Commsave Credit Union member you can join here: www.commsave.co.uk