Launching The Attain Business Club – Supporting Businesses to Attain their Goals

Member News

Our new business club is launching this September with a free End Strong workshop. Helping you to define and plan to deliver your end of 2021 targets.

I have met so many great entrepreneurs and business owners this year, many of whom were struggling during the pandemic. The have had to cope with rapidly changing business circumstances, isolation, fear and uncertainty. I wanted to offer them a safe supportive space to work together to develop their plans for the future.

The Attain Business Club supports entrepreneurs and small business owners by providing workshops and coaching to help define and achieve their goals.

Through regular online group workshops, accountability, networking events and support the group provides the knowledge and support needed to take your business to the next level.

I run the sessions myself and will be inviting speakers over the coming year to share their stories, tips and knowledge. As a coach, I speak to many business owners and understand the challenges they face. As a business owner myself I share many of them. I see the club as a safe and supportive space to share and learn with others.

Events are run virtually and any workbooks will be e-mailed out to delegates before the event.

To book the September workshop please click this link to the booking page: