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Over the last 6 months we have been working alongside palliative nurses at Kettering General Hospital, Bedford Hospital and Luton & Dunstable Hospital who asked if our work could be extended to support palliative care patients and their families in the hospital.
We identified a whole gift pack would not be required but access to individual items is needed such as toiletries, a small bedside lamp or a puzzle book that can be used by a loved one to pass the time. Items of this nature are not funded by the hospital and staff wanted one less thing for families to have to worry about sorting out.
Working with the nurses we have been able to identify a list of items that would be of benefit. Items are then packed and sealed individually, which can then be accessed as and when needed by nurses and families to be used for the patient.
Here is some feedback from Angela Wilson, Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist which shows from the trial the impact this support makes:
‘The support packs has made an enormous difference, as being able to offer items of comfort to the families of our dying patients enabled many relatives who feel they do not want to leave the side of their loved ones to remain with them. The feedback we have received has been amazing, families have been overwhelmed by these generous gifts and tell us the difference these have made to their comfort at the most difficult time in their lives.’
We are so proud of this partnership and that it helps in this way.
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