iNREACH Group and Metro Bank Bolster City’s Premier Networking Meeting as Newest Sponsors of City Breakfast Club, Milton Keynes
The City Breakfast Club Milton Keynes is pleased to welcome iNREACH Group and Metro Bank as its newest sponsors in 2024.
Specialising in comprehensive IT support services, business telecoms solutions, and print and document hardware supply and service, iNREACH is set to bring a fresh perspective to the networking group. Its offerings extend to cutting-edge software workflow solutions, promising a dynamic addition to the club’s networking landscape. Meanwhile, Metro Bank, the UK’s community bank with branches nationwide, offers a range of services including business banking. The Bank’s operations are rooted in social responsibility and ethics, coupled with a commitment to lending into communities.
Andrew Macintyre, Regional Sales Manager at iNREACH said: “Having recently celebrated 25 years of business excellence, iNREACH is pleased to be joining as sponsors of the City Breakfast Club. As Milton Keynes’ top choice for Print, Comms, and IT solutions with the fastest UK response times, our family-trusted ethos and commitment to sustainability align seamlessly. As advocates of sustainability, we are excited to champion this agenda at future events and join the conversations impacting and shaping the Milton Keynes business scene and wider community.”
Metro Bank’s Local Director, Thanbi Haque commented: “As a community bank, we are delighted to be able to support this fantastic local initiative which brings local business people together to network and support each other in this challenging economic environment.”
Committed to fostering corporate and community success, the Breakfast Club is the premier event connecting the City’s leading professionals, in a relaxed and informal setting. The event takes place every first Wednesday of each month, hosted by partners at MHA, Steve Freeman, and Liz Newell, with guest speakers discussing various topics related to Milton Keynes and its development.
In addition to MHA as lead sponsor and event organiser, the City Breakfast Club is also proudly sponsored by long-standing partners, Business MK, Yellowyoyo, Eden Financial & Wealth Management, Franklins Solicitors, Concept Onyx Recruitment, and Willen Hospice.
For event details and bookings, visit www.citybreakfastclub.co.uk or call +44 (0)1908 662255.