How your donations provide essential support to help cancer patients in hospital

Member News

Below is an example about how your support helps our charity The Lewis Foundation to make a difference.

A family member got in contact with to say their loved one has been going through bone marrow cancer treatment and chemo. The patient has lost their job and is completely worn out. The patient has now been admitted into hospital. The family is having to travel 80 miles each way to hospital to take in items their loved one needs. Due to the treatment & type of cancer the patient cannot go to their local hospital, which is a reality for a lot of cancer patients. Cost of travel then becomes a barrier to frequent visits.

We were asked by the family if we could provide a pack to help.

A quick message to the hospital and Macmillan Team who said they will take a couple of packs down to the patient such an overnight pack with toiletries, underwear, journal book, pen and puzzle book and a comfort pack – eye mask, ear plugs and neck cushion to help in between family visits. Was lovely to be able to tell the family we could help in this way, which brought them some comfort.

Acts like this is why we do what we do to help support not only adult cancer patients but also their loved ones. Simple things that make a difference.

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