How to be the employer of choice during the great resignation event – Wednesday 27th April
Member News
Chamber members Fortus Business Advisors and Accountants are holding a client event on Wednesday titled ‘How to be the employer of choice during the great resignation’ along with breakfast and drinks and an opportunity to network.
The event will be hosted by our HR team in collaboration with our Talent Partners – MDM Consultants, and is targeted at business owners and HR professionals in businesses with 10 or more employees.
We plan to explore the following;
- Share intelligence on the current talent market position and what the expected longer term trends are
- Latest attraction & retention strategies and their successes
- Hybrid ways of working – what actually is the ‘new norm’?
- Working with multi-generational workforces
- Q&A
Venue: Fortus, 1 Rushmills, Northampton NN4 7YB
Date: Wednesday 27th April
Timing: 08:30am to 11am
If you are interested in attending then please email Bruce Keir bruce.keir@fortus.co.uk.