Help bring a smile to a patient in hospital this Christmas
Member News
There is still time to get involved with the Northamptonshire Health Charity Christmas Gifts for Patients appeal this year. The independent charity supporting local NHS hospitals and community services across the county are asking for gifts that will be given out to all inpatients on Christmas day.
Suitable items are puzzle books, slippers and socks, toiletries, lip balms and dominoes; chocolates and sweets for elderly patients and toys, games and activities for the children’s wards and short break centres. For infection control, only new items can be accepted in the original packaging and not gift wrapped. You can drop your items into the charity office which is in the Springfield building next door to the Urgent Care Centre a short walk from A&E at Northampton General Hospital. Or, if you would prefer to drop donations to Kettering General Hospital, please call the charity office on 01536 491569 to arrange.
If you’d prefer to shop online, purchase from the Amazon Wish List at https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/1VSCK7UYYD28B and these will be delivered directly to the charity. Alternatively, you can make a donation at https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/christmasgiftsforpatients2021 and a gift will be purchased for you.
You could get involved collectively as a local company or business, or individually.
For more information, contact 01604 626927, email greenheart@nhcf.co.uk or visit www.northamptonshirehealthcharity.co.uk
Address: Northamptonshire Health Charity, Springfield, Cliftonville, Northampton, NN1 5BE.