Have your say in SME Business Survey
Member News
There is still time to have your say in the third annual SME Business Survey, and help shape the support available for local firms in 2023.
The study, undertaken by award winning human resources experts HR Solutions, is live until the end of December and invites all small and medium sized enterprises in the UK to share the challenges they expect to face over the next 12 months.
Results of the survey, which focuses on key issues such as the impact of rising costs, and employee retention, are then used by the HR specialists to gain a deeper understanding of the year ahead, discover how SMEs plan to navigate the changing business climate, and provide relevant support.
The findings from the 2021 questionnaire showed many SMEs were struggling with employee retention so HR Solutions teamed up with various partners to provide webinars on The Great Resignation, share option schemes and how to secure top performing employees within a challenging recruitment market.
HR Solutions also delivered additional support to local firms on key topics such as business finance, cash flow and forecasting in response to the key factors highlighted by the survey.
Chief executive of HR Solutions, Greg Guilford, said: “It is vital that SMEs have the opportunity to share their struggles and access much needed support. Undeniably, the past three years have been very challenging for business owners and the results of the survey during this time have given us great insight in how we can help support SMEs to thrive and succeed despite the problems they continue to face.
“I urge you to take 10 minutes to complete our questionnaire online and help benefit the local economy and the wider business community.”
Visit https://www.hrsolutions-uk.com/sme-business-survey-2022-23/ to take part in the 2022 Business Survey.