‘Fill a Sock’ for Cransley Hospice Trust!
In 2023, Cransley Hospice Trust celebrated 25 years of the Hospice and following on from this momentous year, they have taken inspiration from their incredible founder, Dr John Smith, and are asking you to dig deep and help them to ‘Fill A Sock!’ with loose change or by organising some fabulous fundraising!
It’s incredibly easy to sign up for the challenge – and those looking to register, or to find out more should visit www.cransleyhospice.org.uk/fill-a-sock/
The campaign follows in the footsteps of the charities founder, Dr John Smith:
Whilst a Consultant, he would randomly be given donations from people within the community to support patients receiving palliative and end of life care in the Cransley ward and he would keep these donations in a sock in his draw so that it was ‘safe’ and could be used for patients as needed.
Hospices are often developed after years of planning and fundraising but not in Cransley’s case. Dr John Smith explains; “Overnight would be an exaggeration but only just.
“Whilst walking through St. Mary’s Hospital with Linda Morrison, a Macmillan nurse, we spotted two half empty long stay wards; Cransley and Pytchley, strangely homely with wallpaper on the walls and flowered duvets on the beds. ‘That would make a nice hospice ward’ we said aloud pointing to Cransley.
“Within a week the ward sister was on the phone saying I could have four beds. It was wonderfully crazy, and a week later I admitted a patient and soon I was filling the ward. The nursing staff adapted and were magnificent, as they are today, because it is skilled care that matters and always will!”
“And to be honest it wasn’t adequate. Excellent in-patient care, but there was no room for out-patients, our specialist nurses, and no room for family support and counselling. All important components of palliative care in the hospice and the community.
“When Extracare won the contract for managing the long stay patients in St Mary’s in a new building, Sunley Court, I asked if they could build a new Cransley alongside. To my surprise they agreed. And in 1998 Cransley Hospice officially opened!”
The team at Cransley Hospice Trust thought, if their founder could do it, they’re sure their supporters could too! So come on, grab a spare sock and get started!
To support this fun filled campaign, all you need to do is:
- Find any clean sock!
- Have a think about how you would like to fill it. The FREE inspiration guide can be downloaded from cransleyhospice.org.uk/fill-a-sock/ which contains lots of ideas to get you started. You could hold a bake sale, or organise a charity football match… or it could be as easy as searching the house for any loose change!
- Once your sock is full, simply pay your money to Cransley Hospice Trust via website, phone or in person.
- Sit back and congratulate yourself! Cransley Hospice Trust are so grateful for your support and however you decided to ‘Fill your sock’ you have contributed to the ongoing support and development of end of life care and services in North Northamptonshire.
Supporters are encouraged to share their fundraising ideas and plans with their friends and family, as well as on social media to help the charity spread the word about “Fill A Sock!” and kick start 2024 by raising essential funds for the continual enhancement and development of end of life care and support in our community. Don’t delay! Sign up now.