Book Launch – ‘Get the job you really want…in a post pandemic world’
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Partnering with people to distribute free copies of a career coaching book was a key aim for Milton Keynes based author, Della Judd, when she embarked on publishing her first business book; ‘’How to get the job you really want…in a post-pandemic world’.
‘When I started writing I realised that I wanted the book to reach as many people as possible’, Della explained. ‘That’s when I started the crowdfunding project so that people can ‘Buy One, Donate One’’. Books will be going to local company Key Business Skills Ltd and the MK YMCA so that they can distribute them to their clients and residents. Willen Hospice will also receive books, so that they can sell them in their own bookshop in Stony Stratford. Over 154 books were donated as part of the scheme.
The book is a workbook style manual which helps people to explore what they really want from work. As Della says, ‘Whatever your reason for looking for a new job – redundancy, maternity, caring responsibilities, stress, burnout or a desire for a more flexible culture – you can get the job that you really want! This book helps people to go through the thought process to work out what that is.’
Della helps businesses with dealing with their ‘tricky exits’ too. She says ‘It can be really hard having to let a senior person go, whether that is via a redundancy process, early retirement or via a Settlement Agreement. Usual outplacement support might not be appropriate at that level, and there is a lot more to consider than just helping them to write a CV.’ Using the career coaching methods she has written about, Della can help senior people leave a business well.
The book launch is free to attend: Book Launch – ‘Get the job you really want…in a post pandemic world’ Tickets, Wed 29 Jun 2022 at 18:00 | Eventbrite