BIPC Northamptonshire Economic Impact Survey

Member News

We are currently undertaking an external economic impact survey across the BIPC National Network. The last economic impact survey back in 2019 was instrumental in helping the British Library secure £13m funding through DCMS. The survey is live until January 16 2023.

Have you used Business & IP Centre services through Northamptonshire Libraries, in North Northamptonshire? If yes, they would like to hear from you about the difference their services have made to you and your business. Your feedback is vital to help them to improve these services and maintain their funding so that they can continue to provide you with free business support.

The survey closes on 16 January 2023. They would be extremely grateful if you would give up to 10 minutes of your time to complete the questionnaire, feedback from which will help them in their mission to give everyone the chance to fulfil their dream of starting and running a business.

Take the Survey