“Awe and wonder” for children in Tree of Love project

A Northamptonshire primary school has described the “awe and wonder” pupils experienced by taking part in the Cynthia Spencer Hospice Tree of Love project.

Every year, the hospice hosts a moving Tree of Love ceremony at Northampton Cathedral, where a Christmas tree is adorned with lights, each dedicated to the memory of someone special who is no longer with us.

This year, Weston Favell CE Primary School joined the annual remembrance event by having their own tree in school together with blank hearts, where children wrote memories of loved ones lost or designed drawings to display for a small donation.

These tributes aren’t limited to those cared for at the hospice—they can commemorate any cherished individual, symbolising remembrance and love.

This was the first year that schools in the county were invited to join in with the project by displaying their own trees.

Weston Favell CE Primary School choir also performed on the night of the cathedral ceremony.

Kelly Rich, Inclusion Lead, said: “Not only do the children get to perform in an amazing cathedral to a large audience, but they get to feel the community spirit of everyone gathering together for similar reasons.

“The project has extended our community in Northampton and improved links with Cynthia Spencer Hospice which we hope to develop further this year. It also boosted confidence and self-esteem for the children taking part, created awe and wonder for the children listening to the other performers on the night and provided a growing understanding of what the Tree of Love is for and how the children can help others.

“On our school community Tree of Love we have over 100 hearts placed on the tree, where the children and staff had written or drawn a memory of a loved one.”

Sarah O’Connor, Individual Giving Fundraiser and Finance Lead at Cynthia Spencer Hospice, said: “It has been wonderful to include local schoolchildren in this year’s Tree of Love initiative, which is a beautiful way to remember loved ones lost while supporting our vital cause.

“We are delighted that Weston Favell CE Primary School enjoyed the experience and hope that many more local primaries will get involved for the next event.

“It is important to show the younger generation that memories live on long after someone has died and gathering together in an act of remembrance can bring great comfort.”

To sign your school up to the Tree of Love project for 2025, contact Sarah O’Connor at sarahoconnor@cynthiaspencer.co.uk