Abseil the Northampton Lift Tower for FREE this summer
Member News
Would you like to abseil the iconic Northampton Lift Tower for free? You can do just that if you join Northamptonshire Health Charity for their annual abseil day on Saturday 17 June and raise £200. The charity supports local NHS hospitals – Northampton General (NGH) and Kettering General (KGH) – as well as all of the community and mental health hospitals and services under Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
You are able to choose the ward, department, or service that means the most to you and your family to benefit from the money you raise. Perhaps you or a loved one has received exceptional care while undergoing cancer treatment or recovering on a hospital ward following surgery, whether this be at NGH, KGH or at one of the community hospitals like Isebrook in Wellingborough, or Corby Community Hospital – there is always the option to say thank you for this care by making a donation to, or fundraising for Northamptonshire Health Charity. Alternatively, you can raise funds for any of the charity’s current major fundraising appeals like those to improve and enhance the maternity bereavement facilities at both NGH and KGH.
A team of three from a local company, Azets are taking on the challenge and raising money to enhance patient care and experience for adult mental health services at St Mary’s Hospital in Kettering. Other abseilers this year have chosen to raise funds for Portering and Eleanor stroke ward at NGH and the Quality Improvement team at KGH.
Since 2017, the annual fundraising event has generated more than £57,000 to benefit wards, departments, and services across all of the local NHS hospitals and community services supported by Northamptonshire Health Charity.
If you think you’re up for the challenge book your place via the charity’s website https://northamptonshirehealth… or better still, get a team of you together as The A-Team at Azets have done! The charity team is on hand to support you with your fundraising and if you would like to discuss taking part you can contact them by emailing greenheart@nhcf.co.uk or calling 01604 626927.