The Avenue Motion Picture Company devise and shoot an instructional video
Say you’re a manufacturer who relies on using high-temperature, PTFE-coated conveyor belts in its numerous uses and you sustain damage to one of these belts. It happens.
This could lead to lengthy downtime, penalties and/or expensive replacements. Or, you purchase a High Temperature Iron from Daventry-based Hardiflon, and instead you could be back up and running in no time. It’s a no-brainer. All you have to do now is train one of your staff in using the HTI to fix the issue at hand. Hardiflon have now made this easier.
They called in The Avenue Motion Picture Company to devise and shoot an instructional video. Production Manager Steve Griggs notes: “We have clients all over the world and we need to help them use our kit safely and efficiently, while saving them a lot of money in the process. Making a video that presents clear instructions in a friendly, appealing manner is a crucial first step.
Filmmakers James and Daniel helped us develop the script, then put in a sterling effort shooting and editing it. And us being involved during the day’s filming, and later consulting on the edit, made us realise not only that we have a fantastic teaching tool but also a great marketing opportunity. For one day it felt like we were part of the movies – hard work and great fun. Thank you to the boys.”