Baby Basics Northampton staff

Become a trustee of Baby Basics Northampton

Trustee vacancies at Baby Basics Northampton

Join the board of this well-established charity

Baby Basics Northampton is looking for two new board members to join the charity. The positions are for a Trustee and a Chair of Trustees. This comes at a pivotal time for the charity in which it is seeing a huge increase in demand and the need for rapid growth. You can be an integral part of this development, and in turn make a genuine difference to those most in need.

Baby Basics Northampton provides newborn starter packs to new mums and their babies who find themselves struggling at this critical time of life. The charity helps new families across Northamptonshire who need support due to a variety of reasons including financial hardship, housing issues, isolation and domestic violence situations. 

BBN aims to ensure no baby born in Northamptonshire is without a safe place to sleep – providing a moses basket, as well as bedding, baby clothing, blankets and nappies. The dignity and overall wellbeing of the mother is preserved by ensuring she has the essentials she needs when she leaves hospital such as maternity pads, sanitary items, toiletries and breast pads. 

This charity is relied upon by NHS midwives and health visitors across Northamptonshire. It also works in conjunction with the local councils and charity partners to identify the need.

Applications for the trustee roles are welcome from candidates from all backgrounds but the roles would be suited to anyone with experience in:
• HR
• Organisational development
• Health sector/NHS
• Fundraising
• Marketing and Communications
Please note these are volunteer roles.

To see the full role description for our Chair of Trustees click here: BBN Chair of Trustees Recruitment 2024

To see the full role description for our Trustees click here: BBN Trustee Recruitment 2024