Northants Early Careers Network; Event 17th May
Early Careers covers everything from work experience to graduate programmes with Apprentices, Interns & T-levels in between. All the different programmes can be a bit of a minefield to navigate and work out which ones best suit your business.
With the need to balance developing new skills to future proof your workforce, whilst concentrating on getting the day job done, this session is aimed at employers who wish to develop an early careers strategy or for those with a strategy in place already to maximise the engagement and success of investing the time to train them in the Skills, Knowledge & Behaviours of your industry.
It’s an informal session, with time to network in the room at the beginning over tea, coffee & a danish pastry before a short presentation on early careers schemes with some hints, tips & quick wins for implementation & success before a Q&A session at the end. Funding and costs around taking on early careers students especially apprentices is always a hot topic, and we will cover the Apprenticeship Levy & how to bid for large businesses unused levy funds.
Date: Friday 17th May 2024
Time: 0715 – 0900
Location: The Holiday Inn – Northampton, Bedford Road, Northampton NN4 7YF
To book your free place: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/northants-early-careers-network-tickets-893573712027?aff=oddtdtcreator
** Please note this session is only open to employers & not training providers at this time**
The Hotel are kindly offering a reduced price of £12.00 per head for Breakfast should anyone want to stay on & chat some more afterwards.