Working From Home – What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Resolving The 4 Most Common Home Office Problems
Since early 2020, remote working has moved from a concept to an everyday reality for thousands of small businesses – and for their employees. While there are benefits in terms of flexibility, productivity, and reduced space hire costs, home offices are not without their problems too. Let’s look at a few of these and how to overcome them.
1) Collaborating Away From The Office
When your workers are widely scattered, whether across a city, region or beyond, it can make collaborating on individual documents or wide-ranging projects tricky. When people can’t get together in person to work on a job, what’s needed are tools to help them do so online. These can range from simply sharing individual documents online to detailed collaborative prototyping. Fuse Collaboration provide dedicated, expert IT support to get you up and running fast, whether you need to start working with Microsoft Teams or learn how to share spreadsheets with Office 365.
2) Security Risks
When your employees are working at home, it’s harder for you to ensure that sensitive documents and other data are kept secure. For a start, it’s all too easy for people away from their usual office location to let best practices on data security slip a little. They may share their Wi-Fi with other members of the household and not remember to use strong passwords. You can help avoid these risks by leveraging Fuse Collaboration’s experience and expertise on how to keep employees working for you, not against you.
3) IT Difficulties
If something goes wrong with a laptop or your Internet connection drops out while you’re in the office, it’s usually simple for an on-site admin to fix the problem and get the worker up and running again. When that worker is many miles away, overcoming such issues can be more challenging. Fortunately, Fuse Collaboration can be there to help with IT support issues, as well as problems with software applications like SharePoint and Azure, and ensure that everything keeps ticking over smoothly.
4) Communication Barriers
Today’s technology allows workers to communicate easily and quickly – but how effectively? Written and verbal communication is straightforward with remote-access intranets and packages like Microsoft Teams, but it can be easy to overlook the importance of visual and especially non-verbal factors. Body language, for example, is hard to pick up on a screen. Fuse Collaboration can help your team to communicate better by suggesting the best ways to make use of your company’s existing software, as well as how any new features might improve both the quality and effectiveness of intra-team communications.
Next Steps
Remote working has been a necessity during the pandemic but, with the end in sight, many businesses will want to retain the active benefits of home working to support greater productivity during the economic recovery. Our range of tailored IT support services are designed to help businesses thrive while remote working – ensuring better connectivity and security. Get in touch to find out more.
Image source: Unsplash