The Power of Events to Transform Strategy into Reality
A leading question for you to think about while you’re putting the finishing touches to your business strategy… How are you going to roll out your plans from the top to the bottom of your network? After all, ongoing success requires getting everybody on board and contributing. So, an effective rollout that puts fire in their bellies is more than a fleeting consideration.
Enter events!
Events are clever catalysts for getting buy in from anyone involved in your purchasing chain and distribution. In fact, there’s no better way than well thought out events for bringing teams together, motivating them and rewarding them.
In fact, when you get it right, events can actually change the way your network thinks, works and behaves. Events are powerhouse tools that can ultimately bring the words in your business plan to glorious life.
And here is how.
A Few Compelling Ideas for Events that Engage and Inspire
In HR Cloud’s Ultimate Guide to Employee Engagement, the HR software expert explains, “Any organisation is essentially a community; each member fulfils a specific task and serves the community as a whole. To encourage this community spirit…, any engagement activity can help, from organising a big annual event to simply taking a group of clients out to lunch”.
So, how can you use events to capture the imagination of your clients and transform your business pipe dreams to real time reality? –
Strategy Meetings – These are perfect platforms for gathering your key players across all levels, and sharing your business plans with them, in a professional setting, away from a traditional setting. It’s a powerful premise for introducing new products or services, or a new process – especially if there’s likely to be contention and / or resistance. For this purpose, a professionally delivered open forum supports and promotes behaviour change. Events are brilliant at it.
Build in some added value, education or professional networking opportunities for the attendees and you’ve nailed it!
Team Building – You know the old adage about the team work making the dream work. Look no further than events for keeping friends close and bringing enemies closer. There are probably millions of team–building activities to suit all purses and preferences, close to home or further afield, from an axe throwing session on your local high street, to a cross–continent treasure hunt. It’s supposed to be fun, but it’s not a ‘jolly’, like the Christmas party. So, the key to value – in terms of monetary value to the business and what your people get out of it – is tailoring activities to your desired outcomes.
Reward & Recognition Events – However you choose to reward and recognise your star performers, doing it meaningfully is essential to success. The ethos is similar to team building, (above). Intention needs to be at the heart of everything you do, so that your awards events and incentive programmes align with your overall business objectives, visions and values.. Whatever you ultimately choose should be a suitable channel for keeping your high achievers or top customers on an upward trajectory.
At Brightspace Events, we offer bespoke support for planning and delivery of the best events for cascading your business objectives to your staff, collaborators and clients.
So, get in touch for inspiration. We’ll also help you to justify event ROI, which is a gigantic bonus during times of ongoing uncertainty, when some stakeholders might not recognise the value of events.