The Most Effective Places You Should Place Price Signs
Shop display price signs need to be close to the product they’re related to. The right placement of price sign holders conveys valuable information to customers. For example, produce price signs highlight the product’s price, nutritional information, and ingredient lists, which increases how likely a customer is to buy the food.
If you’re a retailer, you’ll know how packed your schedule can get. Finding the time amongst all the important things like stock keeping, marketing, and securing sales can prove a challenge. Important tasks like handwriting price signs can get pushed back, and then forgotten. However, price signs for retail should always be used as they improve the customer experience and help your store increase sales.
Plastic printable price signs can solve this issue. Instead of spending hours writing and laminating signs, you can quickly and easily design and print your price sign ideas for every product you stock using dedicated software.
Price sign printers allow you to include a range of information on your price signs, such as the name of your product, a brief description, and the price, as well as visual elements such as your logo or any corresponding icons. Price signs make it easier for customers to understand each of your products at a glance.
Price sign software can also be used as a stocklist for your products. If your retail business sees a lot of seasonal items, you can categorise products and access them the next time they’re in stock. It will help to reduce the time you spend trying to remember the price of last year’s festive product range.
If you only need small, infrequent runs of price signs, outsourcing is a great option. However, if you’re going to be printing regularly, you should invest in a price sign printer. At Reward It, we offer a wide range of high-quality price sign printers that allow you to produce price signs in multiple card sizes. Once you’ve printed your price sign ideas, place them in effective locations to improve sales and the customer experience.
Where Should I Use Price Signs?
One of the main uses of price signs is with food produce. Price cards are very popular with butchers, bakers, and in delis, as they are completely food-safe and hygienic. When used with spike stands, clips, price sign holders, or other display pins, they are the perfect addition to your store’s food display counter.
They are durable, washable, and reusable. Unlike handwritten, laminated cards, they won’t smudge or peel, and you won’t need to spend more time than necessary creating new price signs over and over again. This also reduces the amount of waste your business produces.
Produce price signs are also great to use when you need to have product information to hand, such as what ingredients or allergens are in your products. You can simplify the design of your price signs and save space by having allergen information as icons on the front. Another great price sign idea is to print text on the back that staff can read from when a customer asks for more information.
You can also use display stands with different features around your retail space. If you use baskets or bowls to display small items, you can print the required information on your price signs and clip sign holders to the basket or bowl to display the card. You can also use ticket stands on any display tables you have.
Price signs are waterproof, so are perfect for use in florists or garden shops. This will prevent all of your hand-written signs from becoming soggy, smudged, or dirty. You’ll be able to print on demand within seconds whenever you launch a new product, and you can easily move stock around, top up your vases, and water your plants without ruining your price cards.
Plastic price cards can also double up as care instruction cards. They will be bigger and easier to read than labels or cardboard squares, and there’s a reduced risk of them getting drenched and ruined or thrown out with the packaging. For a more personal touch, you can print keepsake messages onto plastic cards during special events, such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas.
For restaurants and pubs that serve buffet-style food, price signs are perfect for labelling each dish you display. It also allows you to display any ingredients or allergen information that you may not be able to when using laminated paper cards.
You can also add to your price signs without having to reprint them. If you’re holding a sale or want your customers to know that your produce is award-winning, why not use promotional toppers instead? At Reward It, we feature a range of toppers that say everything you want your customers to know, without compromising the space and design on your price cards.
Learn more about our printed price signs, or get in touch with one of our experts today by calling us on 020 8266 1600.