Recovery and Resilience Grant
The Recovery and Resilience Grant scheme offers match funding to businesses to invest in new technologies, plant equipment, machinery, or premises growth to help businesses create employment opportunities.
The grants of between £5,000 to £50,000 are designed to build business resilience for businesses that have that have been affected by Covid-19 by supporting investment projects that will create a significant, positive impact on the business’ future.
The grants cover a maximum of 50% of the total price of a project and are designed to aid future recovery and as such there is a requirement for businesses to plan for jobs to be created as a result. As a guide, businesses are expected to create one job per £10,000 of grant.
Follow the link to download the guidance https://www.semlepgrowthhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SEMLEP-RR-Guidance-Notes-8-December-2020.pdf
How to apply
If you would like to apply for a grant through the scheme, please read the Grants Guidance for a details overview of the scheme, check eligibility and fill in the Expression of Interest below. Upon completion and initial eligibility checks, you will be offered a 1-2-1 appointment with a business adviser to work through the application process, helping you to submit a high-quality application.
In order for the applications to be appraised in a timely way, there is a monthly cut off on the 28th (starting 28th Jan) for applications to be assessed. We will continue this monthly process until the funding is all allocated.
You can express your interest by following the link https://semlepforms.evolutive.co.uk/(S(aeow05lqvbwqfwphhj3luys1))/FormPreApp10.aspx?m=1
To be eligible for grant funding, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Be an SME (employ less than 250 people and your turnover is less than EUR 50m or annual balance sheet less than EUR 43m).
Be a trading enterprise (and have at least 1 years’ worth of accounts).
Be registered in the UK and have a base in the South East Midlands area.
Be ready to invest or expand in the local area.
Must not have been a company ‘in difficulty’ on 31 December 2019.
Please note, grants are awarded on a discretionary basis and are subject to eligibility checks and approval.
Register today https://digitalfuturefirst.co.uk/register
The Recovery and Resilience Grant Scheme is delivered by SEMLEP’s Growth Hub and part-funded by the Getting Building Fund and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
This article first appeared on The Digital Future First blog and here’s a link