Preparing your Scooter for the Winter Months
Preparing your scooter for the Winter months ahead may not seem like a top priority when the sun is still shining and there is warmth lingering in the air. Whether we like to admit it or not, Winter is approaching.
Whilst many of us are preparing our homes and cars for the chilly months ahead, there’s one trusty companion that often gets left out in the cold – our scooter. If you’re a proud owner or hirer, you know just how convenient and economical they can be for zipping around town. But have you considered the impact that winter weather can have on your moped’s performance and longevity?
In this blog post we are going to dive into the general maintenance of your vehicle throughout the winter months and basic protection from the elements.
Here are some tips:
Check the Battery
Battery issues are more likely to occur when the colder weather kicks in. It is important to ensure that you have some way of charging it up if necessary.
Shorter journeys during the Winter months will drain the battery of its power. So, if the weather conditions allow, it is better to ride for longer periods of time than stop/start journeys.
You don’t want to be left out in the cold!
Inspect the Tyres
Like any vehicle, tyre maintenance plays an important part in the performance, safety, and comfort of riding a scooter. This is an essential part of the maintenance process when hiring a Wheels to Work scooter. It is important to check the pressure weekly and don’t be tempted to over inflate or under deflate.
Also check the depth of tread on the tyres, there is a marker point which the tread shouldn’t fall below. If you don’t think the tread is deep enough, then please contact us so we can guide you.
Top up the Oil
When you hire a Wheels to Work scooter one of the maintenance checks is to ensure that the oil is topped up. This means checking the oil at least once a week when the engine is cold. This will keep the engine lubricated and prevent moving parts from seizing up.
Please ensure to check the oil first thing in the morning or when the engine is fully cooled down after a couple of hours.
You can find out how to do this by watching our latest video on ‘Checking the Oil’.
Protect the Moped from the Elements
Use a cover: Invest in a waterproof cover specifically designed for mopeds. This will shield your moped from rain, snow, and other elements that can cause damage.
As a Wheels to Work customer, please enquire about sourcing a cover from our head office.
Keep the Scooter Clean
You should regularly clean your moped to remove dirt, debris, and corrosive elements that can accumulate over time. Use mild soap, water, and a soft cloth or sponge to gently wipe down the surfaces. Never use Fairy Liquid or any standard washing-up liquid.
Keeping the moped maintained will ensure a safer ride through the winter months, especially when the weather can be challenging.
Wheels to Work
For further details, please call 01327 857213 or email info@wheelstowork.net.
Wheels to Work provide 50cc and 125cc scooters in Northants, Bucks, Beds, Berks, Warks, Leics, Shrops, Notts, and Oxon to support our customers get to and from their place of work.