This month at Cleartrack Business Growth I have been talking about people. More specifically, the Recruiting, Retaining and Inspiring of people.
Too many times during my career I have observed people being appointed to roles that they are not suitable for and ultimately things have not worked out. Poor appointments lead to angst on the side of the business and the employee. Often the business can spend many tortuous months trying to correct the initial mistake using Performance Management techniques. Small businesses don’t have the time for this.
Working to fill an empty chair for a small business is usually an expensive and time-consuming exercise and the focus can move quickly to filling the chair rather than finding the right person to sit in it. This approach will usually be unsuccessful.
The ‘FLOW – People’ section of our Business Waterwheel™ can help with this and is full of great ideas on Recruiting, Retaining and Inspiring to help small businesses get it right first time!
If you would like to know more contact me, or visit my website and remember what Steve Jobs once said: “hiring the best is your most important task”.
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