Menopause Career Coaching: Empowering Women Through a Crucial Life Transition
It’s alarming but true: 20% of women quit their jobs due to the stigma and challenges that menopause brings – and I’m one of them.
One of the primary reasons I left my corporate HR leadership role at Mercedes-Benz was the lack of support during peri-menopause. There was no formal system in place to assist me and others undergoing this significant life change. If career coaching had been available to me during that time, I would likely have stayed in my role, preserving years of corporate knowledge and experience for the company and continuing on the career path I cherished.
Menopause isn’t new, but our understanding of its impact on half the population has greatly evolved in the last decade. We’ve begun to see why our workforces are losing “women of a certain age” – why women feel disconnected and isolated from their former selves – and how many physical and mental struggles are linked to this 10-15 year transition. This realisation is starting to drive action in workplaces, addressing the significant lack of support and understanding, albeit slowly. That’s why Haus of Coaching offers a comprehensive suite of services to support individual women and businesses, benefiting everyone involved.
Navigating Menopause in the Workplace
Managing menopause and its implications is challenging for both businesses and the women they employ. This major life transition has long been misunderstood and even considered taboo, making it difficult to address appropriately in the workplace. There have been notable missteps, such as the poorly received “menopause bags” a train company distributed to female employees. While well-intentioned, the contents were seen as patronising or insulting. Often, women themselves are unsure of the support they need but are clear on what they don’t want.
As a specialist menopause career coach, I understand how to provide the right support. I recognise that every woman’s experience with menopause is unique, and my coaching reflects this – because one size definitely doesn’t fit all. Haus of Coaching offers one-on-one support for individuals and broader assistance for businesses. We work directly with women needing career coaching and advise organisations on how to best support and retain women experiencing menopause.
Personalised Coaching
One-on-one coaching sessions focus on your specific career concerns related to menopause, addressing your individual goals and challenges. We provide a safe and supportive environment where you can share your experiences, discuss challenges, and set meaningful goals for your professional journey.
Coaching is tailored to each individual’s needs. After getting to know you and your story, we will focus on the areas where you need the most help. For instance, menopause can affect confidence levels, so we’ll work on building your self-esteem and empowering you to embrace your unique strengths. Together, we’ll develop strategies to navigate workplace challenges with resilience and assertiveness.
If you’re considering a career change or re-evaluating your professional path during menopause, I can guide you in making informed decisions. We’ll explore new opportunities and help you navigate the transition confidently, setting you on a path to thrive in the next stage of your life and career.
All coaching sessions are conducted in a positive, inclusive environment, free from judgment. You can openly discuss your concerns and aspirations without worrying about the impact on your career prospects.
Looking Ahead
Menopause has been a shadowy subject for centuries. Don’t let it drag you or the women in your organisation down a path of worry, anxiety, and uncertainty about the future. Take charge with dedicated menopause career coaching services. Together, we’ll navigate the challenges, overcome obstacles, and empower you and your team to thrive professionally, during menopause and beyond.
Contact Haus of Coaching today to learn how we can support you, your business, and the women within it.
Also, check out Haus of HR’s latest guide to help business owners and employers manage menopause effectively in the workplace.