Is Outplacement right for your business?
Since we’ve launched this new service, we often get asked, is outplacement for me and my business?
Let’s be realistic here, why would a business who is already financially struggling to the point that they need to make redundancies then spend good money on paying for an outplacement service?
We really do understand entirely where you’re coming from, but the truth is, our outplacement service could provide your business with exactly what it needs right now and also set you up for the future.
Because you need to look to the future.
So, what is Outplacement?
We’ve all seen the news. We can’t avoid it. Furlough is coming to an end and whilst there is another scheme planned to replace it, for many companies, it simply won’t be enough.
Inevitably, redundancies are going to happen. This is a devastating position for both the employer and employee and there is nothing we can say to put a positive spin on that fact.
But what we can do, is help you through it.
Outplacement provides individuals with a toolkit to work through personal hurdles and be able to approach the job market with the skills to confidently move to new pastures.
It encourages staff members to be proactive in their search. It helps them to establish their professional brand, seek new roles, write impactful CV’s and learn successful interview skills.
What does Outplacement mean for you and your business?
When a staff member is facing redundancy, it’s natural that it brings a lot of negative feelings. Some of those feelings will be based around their personal circumstances but some of those feelings will inevitably be aimed at you, the employer.
By offering an outplacement service, you are offering an opportunity for them to focus on their careers instead of their frustration at being let go.
It shows you as an empathetic employer. An organisation who wants to help. One that doesn’t want to let its staff go but in the unfortunately circumstances that it has to, it won’t just hand them a letter and wish them luck. It cares about what happens next and will do anything it can to support the staff who have been impacted.
It helps productivity whilst the employee is still with you. It will be difficult for them to stay focussed when they know their future is uncertain. You still need your business to run as smoothly as possible. Outplacement helps to keep the focus on the positives, so their productivity remains at a high standard.
At the core of outplacement service is mental health. We understand that uncertainty can take its toll, so we ensure that the tools we offer include mental health pointers and positive strategies to help them cope.
Is Outplacement cost-effective?
Every service comes with a price tag. However, we do things differently. There is no blanket fee for this service. We do a lot of work with you beforehand to establish both your needs and your affordability and we put a plan in place that will work for you.
Ultimately, you can’t put a price on your reputation. Consider the financial impact it would have on your business if a disgruntled ex-employee took to social media. What would that mean for you? What would it mean for your organisation’s future?
Now imagine that the ex-employee took to social media to praise you. What if they told their friends how devastated they were to lose their job but how amazing the business has been in supporting them. What would be the future cost of that?
Outplacement ultimately has two purposes;
1 – To support your staff as they transition into a new role
2 – To protect your brand reputation and help you to come out stronger as a business.
How does Outplacement work?
Outplacement is currently an online service making it more convenient for you and your team. There are several ways that we can offer support;
Seminars and workshops – These will include practical help on areas such as CV writing, personal branding, job searching, tracking, preparing for interviews and successful interviewing.
Group or individual seminars or webinars to employees who are being made redundant and offering the latest information surrounding job search with practical and personal support.
Group and one-to-one support. These are currently being offered via Skype, Zoom or Teams.
Change is difficult in any environment and you, as a business need to be supported to enable you to offer the best support to your team.
That’s what outplacement does. It supports you and your team to transition smoothly during change and sets you apart as an employer.
We have already been incredibly lucky to have helped several organisations with this service and it is proving to be highly successful.
You can’t stop change but how you manage it matters.
Satarah – Recruitment a different way.